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Supply Chain Initiative

Compliance is essential to enterprise management, and integrity is the cornerstone of a successful business. LAPLACE Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd and its subsidiaries and related or associated corporations (collectively referred as the “LAPLACE” or “We”) sincerely and firmly believes that integrity and compliance are the sectors worth investing in, as they will yield significant returns. The investment will not only help gain the trust and respect of our employees, customers, partners, and the government authorities in the host countries but also contribute to establishing long-term commercial value and a strong industry reputation.

Therefore, We aim to establish and maintain a responsible and sustainable compliance system and to establish a stable and continuous compliance mechanism to manage the entire production process. We hope that this mechanism will be recognized and accepted by our suppliers and customers. However, we also acknowledge that suppliers’ responsibilities and capabilities might vary in different areas due to regulatory and policy differences across various jurisdictions. In light of this, we outline the essential requirement of LAPLACE’s compliance mechanism below. While these are the fundamental criteria, LAPLACE and its suppliers will strive to meet the higher standards to the best of our ability. We sincerely hope to work together with our suppliers to build a high-standard supply chain compliance mechanism.

Professional Team

Establish a Compliance Commission responsible for implementing the Compliance Mechanism. All employees and suppliers must consistently adhere to the compliance mechanism throughout the entire process and at all stages of the supply chain.

Basic Principles

The Compliance Guideline is based on the spirit of conventions, including but not limited to the essential conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It will also align with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the business operates, with the aim of respecting and safeguarding workers’ rights within the production.


We will provide equal employment opportunities for all job applicants and offer competitive wages and benefits to all employees. We will also establish and adhere to standard working hours and respect the workforce’s diversity and freedom of speech. Any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in the workplace is prohibited, as is the use of child labor, forced labor, debt bondage, indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slave labor, human trafficking, corporal punishment, or the detention of employees’ identification documents.

Health, Safety, and Environment

Provide a safe and healthy workplace for each employee to prevent accidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses. Offer safety and health education and training to all employees to enhance their awareness and ability to respond to such issues. Initiate manufacturing processes in a responsible and environmentally beneficial manner, making every effort to minimize negative environmental impacts during production.


All employees and suppliers shall comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding anti-bribery and anti-corruption, as well as customary international law on these issues. They shall not directly or indirectly offer, give, or receive anything of value from the supplier, nor engage in any improper actions to influence government authorities’ decisions or to gain or retain improper business advantages.

Due Diligence

We will conduct due diligence and evaluations of suppliers through both direct and indirect methods, including on-site visits, document verification, and process confirmation. We will not engage in any form of business cooperation with suppliers found to be involved in illegal, unethical practices or in violation of the laws and regulations of the destination country. Suppliers must collect and maintain documents and records related to the entire supply chain and daily compliance management, and they are also obligated to cooperate with third-party audits when necessary.

Monitoring and Remedies

Establish a corresponding complaint mechanism and remedy measures to collect employees’ feedback and continuously improve the compliance mechanism. Publicize the contact information of the Compliance Commission (, allowing employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report issues within the production processes anonymously.

The Commission will promptly initiate investigations and take actions to mitigate and correct any adverse impacts. LAPLACE will not tolerate any retaliation against employees for making good-faith complaints, reporting potential violations to management, or participating in or assisting with investigations.

LAPLACE Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd.